Our work - 08/09/2021

Corby Town Investment Plan

We helped secure £20 million of capital funds from the Government as part of the Town Deal Fund to kick-start key projects and interventions in Corby Town Centre.

Find out more


  • We were appointed to develop a Town Deal for Corby in 2020, reporting to a newly created Town Deal Board consisting of local stakeholders (Businesses, Member of Parliament, Councilors) and Officers from the Council. 
  • We prepared a Town Investment Plan (TIP) – working with the  Board, key stakeholders and the community - which prioritised projects and interventions identified to help with the recovery and regeneration of the town centre. This was under the Government’s Towns Fund aim to invest £3.6 billion in over 100 towns, as part of the levelling up initiative for the regions.
  • The projects and interventions will have a significant impact on the town’s economic and productivity growth through investment in property and economic assets, skills and enterprise infrastructure, and transport and digital connectivity.



Source: Corby Town Investment Plan (2021)

Our Approach

  • We conducted a thorough economic health check and SWOT assessment to understand Corby’s economic history, assets, challenges and opportunities, and place this in the context of dynamic market trends and the impacts of the pandemic. 
  • We carried out wide-ranging engagement and consultation with stakeholders and the community, and market testing, throughout the preparation of the TIP to help develop a joined-up Vision and Strategic Objectives.
  • A long-list of projects and interventions were first identified, from which priority projects were developed in partnership with the Board and key stakeholders, compliant with the Town Deal bid. 
  • The shortlisted projects were focused on regeneration, public realm and infrastructure investments across the town centre including:
  1. A Sixth Form College - in a vacant repurposed  carbon neutral building in the heart of the town centre to attract 16 to 18-year-old students from the surrounding Northamptonshire area.
  2. Market Walk East – An unused gateway site linking a key road to the main town centre with a potential multi-use building bringing together community and commercial uses.
  3. Station Links – updating important links from the train station and the town centre with improvements to the public realm for the betterment of cyclists and pedestrians.
  4. Connected Corby – Using the latest connected and smart technology mapping of flows of pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, shoppers, and visitors. 
  • We articulated the challenges, opportunities and projects in the form of a Town Investment Plan document that was assessed by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. 


Source: Corby Town Investment Plan (2021)

Added Value

  • We led and secured nearly £20m for Corby under the Government’s Town’s Fund programme. This will help to improve Corby town and unleash the economic potential of the area. 
  • As of June 2021, the Town Board will now decide how the money will be allocated and the monies will be used to fund key regeneration projects and initiatives in the town centre.

“By working alongside LSH and the Corby Town Deal Board, we successfully developed Corby’s Town Investment Plan. Through these partnerships we were able to secure just under £20m which will see Corby’s next stage of growth & regeneration and aims to unleash the economic potential of this area.  LSH’s attention to detail and structured approach supported each stage of this process.”

Rob Harbour, Associate Director of Growth and Regeneration at North Northamptonshire Council 


Source: Corby Town Investment Plan (2021)


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